Computer graphics 3D of the Tower of Santa Maria

por | Mar 15, 2016 | English articles, Iglesia de Sta. María


Proceso constructivo en 3D de la torre de Santa María

Based on the studies carried out by Jaime Carbonel Monquilan about methods of construction and building techniques of the Tower of Santa Maria in Tauste (Zaragoza, Spain) in the eleventh century.


A team of enthusiasts keen on Zagri- and Mudejar-style architecture has been working on this project for several years and even went to Iran searching for answers.

We can now appreciate its results in a virtual 3D recreation of the construction of the Tower of Santa Maria. It made it possible to discover previously unknown and surprising aspects regarding its construction. Upon numerous visits and comprehensive measurements using latest methods we could reveal how 11th century master builders tackled the issues they were forced to face.

Jose Miguel Pinilla, Javier Peña, Pilar Palacio and Jaime Carbonel are members of the team of architects who have worked on the 3D project along with a 3D modelling expert Raul Navas and made this remarkable reconstruction possible.



Original idea: the Cultural Association El Patiaz. Tauste


  • Placido Serrano Valencia “for the possibility to play the music used in this work”
  • 3D modelling, direction and coordination: Pilar Palacio Domînguez
  • 3D Animation: Raûl Navas Martinez.
  • Editing and post-production: Raûl Navas Martinez
  • Script: Jaime Carbonel Monguilàn

Advisory group 3D and texts:

  • Jaime Carbonel Monguilân. Architectural technologist
  • Javier Peña Gonzalvo. Architect
  • José Miguel Pinilla. Architect

lnterpreting epigraphic evidence: Francisco José Navarro Cabeza.

Archaeologist Pictures: Jaime Carbonel Monguilàn, Jesûs Alegre Gimeno


Music selection: Javier Peña Gonzalvo, Pilar Palacio Domínguez

  • Tako. Sussetania, El Barro Terco — 30 PASOS-2016.
  • Cantiga 100: Santa Maria Strela do Dia. De las Cantigas de Alfonso X El Sabio.
  • Taghanni Soufi 2.
    • Instrumental and vocal trio/improvisation Ney. Part of the album released on 21 April of 1999 by Aragon LCD Prames — Aljaferia Music. Tribute to Avempace. Historical record. It is the first time that the poems about love and peace by Ibn Arabi are recorded.
  • Farewell. Tauste Dance
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This work Computer graphics 3D of the Tower of Santa Maria is included in the Zaragoza Provincial Council Grants for the Dissemination and Revitalisation of Cultural Heritage in the year 2016.

The translation of this page was included in the Zaragoza Provincial Council Grants for the Dissemination and Revitalisation of Cultural Heritage in the year 2022.

 Este proyecto 3D of the Tower of Santa Maria esta incluido dentro de las Ayudas de la Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza para la Difusión y Dinamización del Patrimonio Cultural en el año 2016.

La traducción de está página esta incluida dentro de las Ayudas de la Diputación Provincial de Zaragoza para la Difusión y Dinamización del Patrimonio Cultural en el año 2022.